In line with the ‘Islamic Capital Capital’ program, and as the first of its kind at the Asia and regional level to promote the growth of Islamic economic mutual funds in the UAE and China, the Dubai Islamic Banking and Finance Center (DCIBF), Hamdan bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU) , and the Center for Islamic Economic Development (DIEDC), in collaboration with the China Islamic Finance Club, and Zhishang Intercultural Communication, and Thomson Reuters held an Islamic and Financial Banking Conference between China and the UAE, on May 24 and 25 2016 at Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing .
A total of 11 topics were delivered throughout the conference, reflecting Dubai’s experience in developing the Islamic economy; the development of Islamic Finance in China; cooperation between China, the UAE and the area of the Middle East; and tourism and hospitality with a focus on forging new partnerships based on the ‘One Belt One Road’ strategy.
The sessions were filled by several speakers who were experts in their fields, including; Prof. Nabil Baydoun, Vice Chancellor of Corporate and University Development at HBMSU; Li Jiping, Executive VP of the Chinese Association for Development Financing Promotion, XieWenbin, President of the Xinjiang Eurasia Research Institute, and RiyantoSofyan, Chairman of Sofyan Corporation and Chair of the Halal Tourism Development Acceleration Team.
Riyanto Sofyan, Chairman of Sofyan Corp, represented the real sector at the event, more specifically Indonesian Halal Tourism,that has developed rapidly in recent years. He conveyed several important points regarding the development of Halal Tourism in the World and in Indonesia, ranging from the scale of tourists to the potential – potential destinations in Indonesia that can be developed and how the impact of Halal Tourism on Islamic and General finance.